Private Investigators Bournemouth

Private Investigator in Bournemouth for Businesses and Individuals

Private Investigator Bournemouth

The resort town of Bournemouth may not seem like the kind of place where people need to hire Private Detectives. But while humans may take holidays, human nature does not. If you feel your personal or professional interests are threatened the right thing to do is to contact the team at National Private Investigators. We’ll put a Private Detective in Bournemouth on the case and get you the facts you need to formulate an appropriate response to the situation.

Types of Investigations

We are a full-service team with decades of combined experience conducting all manner of investigations and discreet inquiries for private and commercial clients including but not necessarily limited to:


  • Private Investigations
  • Corporate Investigations
  • Insurance Investigations
  • Fraud Investigator
  • Tracing Agents
  • Background Checks
  • GPS Vehicle Tracking
  • Bug Sweeping
  • Lie Detector Tests

Truth & Discretion Guaranteed

Our NPI guarantee ensures thorough private investigations, accurate results & absolute discretion.

Private Surveillance Reviews

Our proven track record

Don't Let Your Suspicions Go Unanswered Any Longer.

The NPI 4-Step Process

If you never hired a Private Detective in Bournemouth before, not to worry. We’ve reduced the entire process to 4 simple steps:

1. Contact Us

The road to the truth starts when you contact NPI and talk to one of our case managers. If they think your case warrants a Private Detective in Bournemouth we’ll proceed to the next step.

2. Information

At this point, we will need you to provide us with as much relevant information as possible. The more information we have the faster we can get to the truth.

3. Investigation

After a careful review of the facts, we determine which investigative techniques will be most effective and then get to work. Because each situation is unique it’s impossible to say exactly how long it might take.

4. Report

Within 24 hours of concluding our investigation, we provide you with a final report. Everything in the report will be the truth. What you do with it will be up to you.

Reasons People Employ a Private Investigator in Bournemouth

Individuals, families and businesses seek assistance from NPI for any number of reasons, including:


  • To conduct background checks: Potential hires need to be vetted before they can be placed in a position of trust. Potential business partners may also need to have their story verified.
  • To find out if a spouse is cheating: Unfortunately, not everyone takes their marriage vows to heart. If you suspect your spouse may be cheating contact NPI.
  • To protect business interests: If a business owner suspects an employee to be stealing money or trade secrets or otherwise working to undermine the company they should call NPI.
  • To uncover insurance fraud: If you suspect insurance fraud – such as an employee possibly faking an injury in order to collect disability insurance – NPI can uncover the truth.
  • To conduct physical surveillance: In some cases, the only way to find out what is going on is to follow a person. Our Private Investigators have years of experience with physical surveillance.
  • To locate a missing person: Police are often overwhelmed and unable to respond quickly to missing persons reports. Meaning a Private Detective in Bournemouth is often the best choice.
  • To uncover hidden assets: It’s not uncommon for a soon-to-be ex to attempt to hide assets during an acrimonious divorce. NPI can determine if they are.

Contact National Private Investigators

Don’t lose any more sleep wondering whether your suspicions are justified. If you have reason to believe your personal or commercial interests are being compromised, get in touch with National Private Investigators. Our crack team will find out what is really going on so that you can make wise, informed decisions going forward. Call NPI today on 020 7459 4526 or 07766 762 887.

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